Investing in Quality SEO Is Essential in Today’s Business World

When it comes to Internet marketing, using SEO–or search engine optimization–is absolutely essential for small business in order to be more visible to prospective customers who would be interested in your products and services. Beyond basic SEO practices, there are specific trends in online marketing that you should be aware of so that you can […]

How Search Engines Have a Huge Impact on Internet Marketing

Today, one of the most important ways companies are marketing themselves is online. Online marketing is constantly evolving and many marketers are still trying to figure out how to harness the potential of the internet. While most people are familiar with internet marketing through paid pay per click ads, one of biggest ways marketers are […]

Is Your Business Doing All It Can for Effective Web Marketing?

Would it surprise you to know that Google began its meteoric rise to the throne of the internet way back in 1998? At that time, internet marketing was an entirely different beast. Google had just gone public with its search engine, formerly known as BackRub, that would revolutionize the way online marketing would be done […]

Affordable Small Business Website Packages

Did you know that internet users around the globe conduct upwards of one billion Google searches daily? According to the statistics, if they are not Googling, they apparently tweeting and Facebooking to the tune of 250 million tweets and 800 million status updates per day. A big reason for such pervasive social media use is […]

Top Five Reasons You Should Be Investing in SEO

Do you run a website? You should probably be thinking about investing in SEO marketing. If you are still on the fence about whether search engine optimization and SEO marketing can do great things for your search engine rankings, here are a few facts that you need to know to convince you to invest today. […]

Small Business SEO Packages Are Your Partner

More and more small businesses are realizing the advantages of the Internet, and that’s a good thing. Since the Internet is the world’s largest marketplace, it offers users the chance to find cheaper products elsewhere, which poses a big threat to the small, brick and mortar stores. However, by utilizing and making use of small […]

Do You Know How to Get Found on an Internet Search?

True, we are all searching for something. The meaning of life. A spouse. A new apartment. How to get red wine stains out of the carpet. A cat. We can all find what we are looking for via online search engines. But if you are the one looking to get found, search results can often […]

The Connection Between Goats and Google in SEO News

How much do you know about Google, other than it is considered the leading search engine on the Internet? You often read about Google and other current SEO news on all kinds of sites, but you may not know about the goats. When you see the manicured lawns of the headquarters of Google, you probably […]

Search Engine Optimization a Form of Internet Marketing that Can Help Businesses Perform Better on Google Rankings and Other Search Sites

When trying to promote themselves and gain exposure, businesses must keep up on all of the latest methods of marketing. Most businesses are well aware that due to the heavy reliance on the Internet and technology in general today, online marketing has become the number one way to market a business. A particularly successful method […]