Seo marketing

There are more than 100 billion searches conducted online every month. More than half of all online customers (58 percent) first look for information about products or services by using a search engine. Only around 24 percent go directly to company websites, and about 18 percent ask around on social media.

Search engine optimization, or seo, helps websites to be listed near the top of the list that results from an internet search. Internet searches are often done on Google, and the results of the searches are often referred to as Google rankings or search engine rankings. It is important for businesses to pay attention to where their websites appear in the list of rankings. One study showed that when leads are generated through seo there is a 14.6 percent close rate, and the average close rate for outbound leads is only around 1.7 percent.

Google is very well known as a popular search engine. There are also some interesting, but little known, facts about Google. On February 29, 2009 Google sent its first tweet. It was a binary code for “I’m feeling lucky.” Instead of going with a more traditional land scaping service, the lawns at Google headqarters are mowed by goats. The goats are rented from a grazing company.

43 Post

Small Business SEO


  1. I love it that they use goats to mow the lawn. How do the goats know how short the grass is supposed to be?

  2. Joy May

    I love it that they use goats to mow the lawn. How do the goats know how short the grass is supposed to be?

  3. Mario Schultz

    I love it that they use goats to mow the lawn. How do the goats know how short the grass is supposed to be?

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