Many people may be unfamiliar with all of the benefits that internet marketing and search engine optimization (SEO) can bestow upon their website. Yet, this type of marketing is one of the most important for any business with a website today. With everybody and their cat heading to Google before they even consider looking anywhere else, good online marketing is one of the best things a business can do to gain customers.
Hundreds of millions of people in the United States rely on Google rankings to find the websites for which they are looking. In fact, a full 92 percent of all online adults perform at least one search every day. Additionally, over 100 billion global searches are performed each month. So if a potential customer is going to find your website, it’s likely going to be through Google. While other search engines have some search market share, Google dominates with 65-70 percent of search engine market share. This makes it extremely important for your website to list high on the Google rankings.
But you already have a website, and you know it’s on Google somewhere, so why should you worry about using internet marketing and SEO to put it at the top of the search engine rankings? Well, mostly because people are lazy. Think of your own search habits and you’ll see why it’s important to get to the top of those rankings. You probably barely ever scroll past the first page of search results, just like the other 75 percent of people using search engines. This is why it is vital for your website to be as high in the search ranking as possible.
An internet marketing company can utilize Seo techniques in order to make your website much more visible on all of the major search engines. From changing the existing code of your website to make it more search engine friendly to creating high quality content that links to your website, internet marketing companies have a wide variety of techniques they can use to get your website to the top of the rankings. And given that mobile internet usage on smartphones and tablets will soon overtake traditional desktop usage, it would be wise to invest in an internet marketing company with a strong focus on mobile search as well.
I don’t understand how Google does get some sort of anti-trust suit leveled against it. That much of a market share certainly seems like a monopoly.
I don’t understand how Google does get some sort of anti-trust suit leveled against it. That much of a market share certainly seems like a monopoly.
I don’t understand how Google does get some sort of anti-trust suit leveled against it. That much of a market share certainly seems like a monopoly.
I don’t understand how Google does get some sort of anti-trust suit leveled against it. That much of a market share certainly seems like a monopoly.
I don’t understand how Google does get some sort of anti-trust suit leveled against it. That much of a market share certainly seems like a monopoly.